ENDNEL2s&9AU :AB :CD :CI :CN :CT :CV :DC :DO :+ED :FQ :ID :IS :IU :VOL ; ; ISSU IU :VOL ; ; NO IU :VOL ; ; NUMBER IU :VOL ; ; PART IU :VOL ; ; IU :VOL ; ISSU IU : VOL ; NO IU :VOL ; NUMBER IU :VOL ; PART IU : VOL ; IU :VOL IU :ISSU IU :NO IU : NUMBER IU :PART IU :[NO] IU :JT : --JT :KW :LA :2LC :MA :PB :PD :PG :PP :SM :TI :VT :MA :`Papers`MA : `Preprints`AU :AB :CN :CT :CV : CD :; CD :CI :DC :ED : FQ :ID :IS :IU :JT :KW :LA :2LC :MA :PB : ; PB : PD :PG :PP :SM :TI :VT :DD[ ] - . D edited by by HD DDDby HD*ed. version. version [ ] edition. edition HS: . [ ] / , ( ) DHD: DDDScale DDDSLSD L!L"L#L$L%L&L'DH H DDDg     oZetoc (MIMAS)-20200701bzetoc.mimas.ac.ukMIMASDOWNLOADING INSTRUCTIONS: Use the "Short Label" format. The Zetoc service provides internet access to the British Library's Electronic Table of Contents (ETOC). The database contains details of approximately 20,000 current journals and 16,000 conference proceedings published per year. With 17.5 million journal and conference records, the database covers every imaginable subject in science, technology, medicine, engineering, business, law, finance and the humanities. The database covers the years from 1993 to date and is updated daily. A list of journal titles covered by the database is available. Copies of all the articles and conference papers listed on the database can be ordered online from the British Library's Document Supply Centre in Yorkshire. Zetoc is made available to institutions through MIMAS (Manchester Information and Associated Services) at the University of Manchester, on behalf of the British Library. For more information see http://zetoc.mimas.ac.uk/about.html. 1. In Zetoc, journal names are presented in ALL CAPS, which EndNote converts to the Headline format. This is appropriate for most journals except those which have acronyms for titles, such as JNT, which will import as "Jnt". Users must manually correct such journal names as necessary. 2. Papers imported as Conference Proceedings are often published as journal articles, the source data for which is imported into the Notes field. When this is the case, the page numbers imported into the Page field probably refer to those of the journal article; when no journal information is present, the pages refer to the conference proceedings. Due to the somehwhat sloppy appearance of conference names, users may wish to change the reference type to Journal Article after importing, filling in the Journal Title, Volume, and Issue fields as needed using the source data from the Notes field. 3. Conference Location data is imported with a semi-colon separating the city and state or country. Users must manually change the semi-colon to a comma after importing. zetoc